Founded in late 2016 by local tournament anglers Ed Dustin and Lenny Baird, the River Battle Series was developed after countless hours of planning, organization and reflection of tournament series that have come, gone and still exist on the Potomac River as well as within the region. The River Battle Series is the newest trail to hit the Potomac River. We developed and implemented this series to take off quick and flawless from day one. We have a dedicated team of tournament staff that have seen our vision and work hard at making our competitors day as easy and enjoyable as possible. As an tournament organization our number one goal is to provide the ultimate tournament fishing experience, a void that needed to be filled for Potomac River Tournament events. Potomac River Battle Series provides a experience for the beginning angler up to the experienced angler. Our events are priced to suit the needs of everyone’s budget and yet provide a great payback. Our dedication to the preservation event is 80% payback on all regular season events and 80% payback on Championship Day. If your looking to fish the newest and hottest trail on the Potomac River than come join us and see for yourself.

Ed Dustin “a.k.a. Fast Eddie"
Tournament Director / Owner of the River Battle Series
Sponsors: Green Top Fishing, Rayjus, TFO, Omega Custom Tackle, Optimum Baits, Lews, Stormr

Lenny Baird “a.k.a. Phat Bagz"
Tournament Director / Owner River Battle Series
Sponsors: Green Top Fishing, Mare Marine, Mercury, Stormr, Rayjus